Thoughts on Stakeholder Centered Coaching structure

At the Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching certification training, which I attended in March 2019, I’ve got an insight. The success of a coaching assignment stems from three major components: (1) a coaching structure, (2) skills of a coach, and (3) coachability of a client.

Being a strong proponent of Marshall Goldsmith’s approach and philosophy for years, after my Stakeholder Centered Coaching certification I practiced all steps of its crisp and clear process and structure with several leaders. And it created Magic!

If a leader demonstrates coachability (an open mind and flexibility), for her there is no other way but to improve and grow. The structure works as some sort of positive Procrustean bed: with commitment to it, a leader for sure transforms into a better “shape”. Following “simple, but not easy” steps results in a much better leadership awareness and in getting a “sticky” transformational routine, which leaders love to keep for their next improvement.

Thank you, Marshall Goldsmith, Chris Coffey, Frank Wagner, Emily Chipman, Will Linssen and many other for this knowledge transfer! It definitely makes a positive difference in this world, one leader at a time!

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